Javascript continues, so I make silly things
February 16, 2019, 2:56 pm

I am continuing my own javascript education. I have begun documenting some instructions, which I will divulge soon, hopefully, but I've also begun redesigning some old examples that I made for students, in order to make them more accessible. One such example is from my app development class where students often want to add more interesting interactions to their projects. It's difficult to suggest things to them, especially since simply pointing them at HammerJs rarely results in them spending effort to fully understand that library, and instead just confuses them by making them search all over the internet for a simple solution to that toolset.

So here's one fairly simplistic example. Not only for my students, but of my current goals. This is an IOS style list item swiper. You've definitely seen these before.

See the Pen Vanilla Javascript IOS style list item slide reveal by Hamilton (@bronkula) on CodePen.

The content inside of the elements, and the look of them, is mostly up to the developer. This particular class, which can be found on github, has a number of options, including an onupdate method which will be sent the swiper object to give the developer freedom do do lots of things.

Many interesting layouts can be created and used, and I'm still currently working on some other options. If you'd like to mess with these examples, you can find them on my Codepen.